ASTM International Committee D37

We are excited to share an update on ASTM International’s Committee D37 on Cannabis. These latest developments involve the leadership of this internationally led volunteer member committee and they arrive in time to kick off the New Year! Committee D37 is driving global industry standards forward with more momentum than ever. Read on to learn about the newly elected Executive Leadership (including our own CEO) and more.

Announcing the New Committee Chair: Kathleen May

           Join us in congratulating Kathleen May for being elected to Chair of ASTM International Committee D37. Kathleen is taking over the role from Dr. Ralph Paroli, long time ASTM International member who was recently awarded the William T. Cavanaugh Memorial Award for his outstanding service within the roofing and cannabis communities and is currently the Acting Director General for the Metrology Research Center with the National Research Council of Canada. Ralph is leaving some large shoes to fill as he has been instrumental in growing the D37 Committee to more than 1,100 members from across 30 countries since the committee’s inception just five years ago.

           Kathleen brings over two decades of experience working in the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. She has been serving as the Recording Secretary for D37since the committee was first launched, developed the first cannabis CAPA standard(Corrective Action Preventive Action) which earned her one of the first ASTM Award of Appreciations, and volunteers her time supporting the Colorado Science& Policy workgroup on implementing new industry rulemaking as well as thought leadership work on the NCIA’s Facility Design Committee. Her deep working knowledge of quality and Good Manufacturing Practices and existing leadership makes her a key asset to Committee D37 leadership. We are all looking forward to an amazing 2022 with Kathleen as our new Chair!

Other Exciting ASTM Committee Updates for 2022

           ~David Vaillencourt, Founder and CEO of the GMP Collective, who previously served as the Recording Secretary for the Laboratory Subcommittee, has been elected as the Vice-Chair of the ASTM Committee D37. As a member of the Committee since its formation in 2017, David is credited with ushering through the first Laboratory Standard on Test Method Development and Validation. He has been recognized by ASTM International as an Emerging Professional and was given an Award of Appreciation by Committee D37 for his leadership and dedication.

As a regulatory standard and quality expert, with many strong industry connections, David brings his passion for driving credibility to the industry marketplace. In addition to the time he devotes to the Committee D37, David also holds several volunteer leadership positions by serving on the Board for the National Coalition of Drug Quality and Security (NCDQS), leading state policy tasks groups, and the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) Facility Design Committee.


           ~We are also pleased to welcome Sarah Chase as the newest member at Large. Sarah is the Executive Director of the Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation. With the addition of Sarah, Committee D37 continues to strengthen its diverse shareholder base with considerations for diversity and federal regulatory connections and who have existing representation including Health Canada, American Trade Association for Cannabis and Hemp (ATACH), and more!


           ~Join us in congratulating Bob Morgan on his retirement. After nearly 40 years with ASTM International, Bob has been instrumental in assisting the volunteer members of Committee D37 harness the credibility of the ASTM standards development process. During his tenure, Committee D37 has grown to over 1,100 members across 30 countries and has published 34 cannabis standards. Join us in thanking Bob for all of his hard work and dedication to CommitteeD37. Filling Bob’s shoes is Jimmy Farrell who has been with ASTM International since 2016. We are all excited to see how Jimmy works with the committee and helps us grow and expand into the future!

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